Part 13: Episode X: Show-off My Moves

Sadly, Tidus drowned following his faithful flushing down the oceanic toilet by Sin. The rest of the game will feature Rikku and her scurvy crew manhandling foreigners and expl—

Or Tidus could be fine and we will continue following his story. If you insist, game. In this game being knocked unconscious, while submerged in water seems less of a way to choke to death from having your lungs filled with water and more the equivalent of waking up in a ditch after a wild night of partying.

Oh hey. The sun actually does occasionally shine in Final Fantasy X. Nice to see the blue sky for a change.

Also, falling blitzballs aimed straight for Tidus' head. That is always a pleasant sight as well.
Tidus is beaned with a blitzball...

Tidus looks around with a bit of groggy confused anger for a moment before something far more important catches his eyes.

The one thing Tidus is remotely knowledgeable about and boy is he happy to see it. Fun fact: an early draft of the game had Tidus as a plumber. That would have been... something... Not sure if it would have been a good something, but...

New Music: Blitzball Gamblers (Recommended Listening!)

A fellow with a Jamaican accent calls to Tidus from the beach. Which is weird because there... actually is an island setting where most residents share the same accent. Yes, having a consistent accent hailing from a certain geographical region is a rarity in RPG land. And even this game. See: The Al Bhed having Slavic, American, and Yosemite Sam Southern in one case accents.

Tidus decides to greet this new group of folks by shitting all over gravity via a twenty foot leaping back flip kick by means of swimming upwards from about five feet of water.

He's got, he's got it...

Right on the money and...

...actually no, it nearly takes one of the guys' head off. The fellow managed to dodge it at the last minute.

However, the blitzball is still launched deep into the forest and will take all afternoon to find now. Way to be a dick right off the bat, Tidus.


And I take that statement back. Tidus was clearly in the right when he tried to kick a ball straight into the face of someone who looks like THIS. Christ, where's that banner from back in Dirge of Cerberus...?

There we go.

We're now expected to swim to the shore and greet these new chucklefucks. But...

...let's take a quick detour to the east. There's small little lonely strip of beach here with a solitary treasure chest.

This chest contains the Moon Crest. What is a Moon Crest? I'll tell you in fifty hours. No really. It'll be useful in like fifty hours. Right now, it's just a crest shaped like a moon that's good for nothing.
Tidus doubles back and swims to the beach like he's supposed to do...

All of the uniformly ridiculously dressed folks on the beach come to welcome their new silly outfit brethren.

Tidus becomes one with the blitzball.

And launches the team's back-up ball deep into the middle of the monster-filled ocean.

Everyone does the same little motion those fanboy kids did before the game back in Zanarkand. Hmm...

So this is Wakka. If you cannot guess by the fact his face has twice the polygons of the rest of his compatriots or the fact that he was chilling around the prologue campfire, he may be a future party member.

We're now supposed to follow after Wakka. We could take a minute to meet the rest of the Besaid Extinct Bovines but, well...

To summarize: It's a bunch of statements about how they all pretty much completely suck ass at Blitzball while balls smack them in the face and they trip over their own two feet. Perhaps practicing the underwater sport in the... ya know... water... might help a bit. But I'm no expert.
Tidus moseys on over to Wakka...

Wakka motions behind himself...

New Music: Wandering Flame (Recommended Listening!)

Wakka decides it’s an appropriate time to laugh about a giant monster from the sea’s global genocide. Wakka tends to laugh at inappropriate times. Wakka is kind of a weirdo.
The ginger hairstyling disaster gets all buddy-buddy with Tidus...

Wakka walks off...

Video: Episode 10 Highlight Reel (Recommend viewing just to hear

Wakka Portrait - It may be hard to swallow, but this is NOT the stupidest haircut in the game...